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Practice Awards
We have always been committed to providing quality services at Dr Kapoor's Practice.  We are proud to have won many awards over the years including Charter Mark Awards,  Doctor of the Year Awards, Doctor Awards and other awards.


charter mark Charter Mark is an award given by the Government to organisations which provide an excellent service to the public.  It is a sign of excellence and means that the Practice has shown that it puts patients first.  The Charter Mark Award lasts for 3 years and we are very proud to have been awarded Charter Marks in 1996, 1999 and 2002.  We were the first Practice in Durham to hold a Charter Mark and initially were one of only 17 GP Practices throughout the country to receive the award. 
In order to win a Charter Mark we had to show that we gave an outstanding service, we put you first and we are always looking for methods of improving services.  In particular, we had to show that we have developed high standards of patient care, that we are courteous, helpful and responsive to your needs and wishes, that we have made clear improvements and that we are planning new improvements.  Our standards of answering telephone calls within four rings, ensuring rapid availability of appointments, reducing waiting times and adapting baby clinics to your needs have helped to achieve the above as well as introducing many practice-based services, including counselling, physiotherapy, dietetics and chiropody.  Our strong systematic drive to encourage suggestions for feedback played a very important part in achieving the Charter Mark.

The Charter Mark Award is a major achievement for everyone at the Practice:  doctors, staff and patients.  Maintaining the Charter Mark standards is our prime objective and we will continually strive to develop and improve high quality health services.

DOCTOR OF THE YEAR AWARD - CHILDREN’S SERVICES – Dr Asha L Kapoor 1999 – the Practice are very proud to have received this award which reflects our high standards in children’s services.  Flexibility in offering a late afternoon/early evening baby clinic to accommodate working parents, providing training to parents in resuscitation skills and establishing a breast feeding support group all helped to gain this award.

Other Awards:

doctor award Doctor Awards – Certificate of Merit:
1997    1)    Innovation                2)    Deprived Area
1998 Child Health Services       

1999 1)    Prescribing            1999    2)    Diabetes

ASH/NEAT Award for Good Practice in Tobacco Control - 2000

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